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Tasmanian Integrated Freight Strategy

The Tasmanian Government prioritised the delivery of an integrated freight strategy as an important step to address barriers to productivity and job creation in Tasmania. Development of this strategy recognises the importance of an efficient and cost-effective freight system to Tasmanian businesses and the broader community.

The Tasmanian Government has now released the final Tasmanian Integrated Freight Strategy, outlining policy positions and actions in the following key areas -

  1. Supporting competition and service choice across Bass Strait and beyond.
  2. Efficient freight gateways.
  3. High-standard, responsive land freight connections.
  4. Delivering a single, integrated freight system.

Development of the Strategy has been led by Infrastructure Tasmania. It has focused on delivering a contemporary framework that links freight demand and investment, integrates planning and investment across modes, prioritises freight assets and supports improved project evaluation and freight system information.

The Strategy is underpinned by extensive consultation with businesses, freight forwarders, service operators and peak organisations.

Infrastructure Tasmania will take a coordination role in progressing key initiatives under the Strategy.

A summary of public comments received in response to the Draft Tasmanian Integrated Freight Strategy is available here (260KB PDF)

Supporting information

The Strategy is supported by a series of information papers and key reports, which provide additional information on the operation of Tasmania's freight system.