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King Island Shipping Service

The Tasmanian Government has been working closely with the King Island Council and Island community to ensure the continuation of essential shipping services to the Island as a result of the withdrawal of the SeaRoad Mersey service to the Port of Grassy.

During 2015/16, the Government went through a process of seeking proposals from suitably qualified and experienced shipping operators or consortia to be selected as the preferred proponent to negotiate the establishment and operation of a long-term commercially sustainable King Island Shipping Service.

The Government’s desired outcome is the delivery of a shipping service that meets the needs of the King Island community, providing reliability and continuity of service and allowing for the Island’s economy to grow.

The Government’s clear preference is for:

  • An open, unregulated market
  • A commercially sustainable, long-term service
  • A reliable, cost-effective service that supports growth of the King Island economy.

That process is now complete.

Following the failure of the commercial market to offer a reliable and affordable King Island shipping service at this time, TasPorts has formed a new company,, Bass Island Line, which is a dedicated shipping service to support the freight and logistics needs of King Island.

King Island Shipping Service Project

The King Island Shipping Service Project was established under the Partnership Agreement between the Tasmanian Government and the King Island Council. The Project included analysis of freight movements and future demand to and from King Island; considered other remote shipping services; and explored options for appropriate shipping solutions for King Island.

The King Island Shipping Service Project Report was completed in 2013.

Project Report (Adobe PDF)
Project Report
(MS Word)

The King Island Livestock Supply Chain

The King Island Livestock Supply Chain Management Review was initiated by the Tasmanian Government in response to the closure of the JB Swift abattoir on King Island in September 2012. The closure of the abattoir resulted in the requirement for up to 35 000 head of livestock to be transported for processing from the Island per year. The review was completed in December 2012.

GHD King Island Livestock Supply Chain Management (Adobe PDF)